Thursday, October 21, 2010

now with links!

ok, there is the direct link to photobucket. Couldn't get that to work before. And here is us with the World Cup.

Today is our last day tooling around Fez. Spent yesterday getting lost in the medina. Pretty crazy. I have no idea how anyone can find their way around in there. We made a purchase at the end of the day. The haggling skills are rusty, but I don't think I came out too bad. I had to laugh though because I was reminded of a phrase from our lonely planet book about haggling in Morocco. They remind you to not take offense at percieved insults. I think the phrase they used was insults with a smile. We bought a necklace for Shelley and as we were haggling the price, the shopkeeper kept giving Shelley an 'I'm not sure you married well.' look and would say, "Your husband. He has big heart, but small pockets." hahaha. I have to say I like haggling this way better than other experiences. This way you can kind of lightly insult back without worrying too much about offending and keep the conversation jovial and reduce the intense pressure of the sale a bit.

It was a fun and exhausting day. Despite the frantic nature of the medina and Morocco in general I have been impressed by how friendly the majority of people are. I can't count how many times we've just chatted with someone about misc. things on the street. Or fallen easily into an in depth conversation with a taxi driver. Well, as in depth as possible in broken and combined spanish, english, and french. Our arabic is coming along. Just a few phrases, but we practice pronunciation with anyone we can. Most Moroccans seemed to be amused at our attempts.

There is an overlook of the city near one of the old cemeteries that is supposed to have a gorgeous view during sunset. That's the plan tonight. But more urgent is laundry. I have been putting off doing laundry as the sink in our pension appears to be fastened to the wall solely with a thick bead of caulk. Dried, and crumbling caulk. I'm afraid to use it in case it decides to fall off the wall. So, it looks like I have another laundry shower to look forward to. At least the toilet is in the shower so I can sit down to do laundry! =)


At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Lois said...

Sounds/looks like you are having a great time in a beautiful place! Love the pics!!! I additionally enjoyed the pics of the kitty & the dog:) Looks like very interesting & beautiful architecture and scenery there! & oh, I'm working next wk after all! Looking forward to more pics, etc. Keep having a great time. You two look good in those pics. Love, Mom

At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It makes all the difference when both parties get to be rude. In my three days in New York I knew that just like some guy might call me a mofo for not seeing the crosswalk sign change, I could get snappy with anyone lower on the food chain too!

At 3:40 PM, Blogger grammar 291 said...

I'm still laughing hysterically at the sink hanging by a thin bead of caulk. I'm going to try your laundry method the when we get to Mexico. So much more efficient!


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