Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Who needs therapy when you have Walmart?

Why do so many people choose to have their breakdowns in Walmart, or rather, why do people who have no qualms about having large arguments in public do their shopping at Walmart?

I stopped by the Mart, (haha so clever), on my way home today, and as I was browsing the cork board selection a young, slightly disheveled woman and her 4 year oldish son walked over and started looking at the decorative paper clips about 6 feet away down the aisle.

I was just about to pick the cork board that most accurately represents who I am as a person when a short young guy comes storming up and declares in a fairly loud voice:

"Well, f*@# you then if you're going to ignore me like that! You can get your own goddamn Coke!"

He then throws a set of car keys at her feet and storms off.

I glanced over to see him already halfway down the aisle. As I turned back to the cork boards I tried to imagine what must have happened to cause such a reaction. Meanwhile, the woman is telling her kid to pick up the keys and getting annoyed that he isn't doing it right away.

A couple minutes later I've decided to consider the dry erase boards instead and am still trying to piece together the scene that caused all this when he comes storming back.

Woman, "How was I ignoring you?"
Guy, "You've been ignoring me all f*#@ing day!"
Woman, "No, I wasn't."
Guy, "Bullshit, what about McDonald's?"

Guy is pretty steamed and as he storms off again with parting shots regarding the woman's "fat ass" I begin to suspect that these two might not 'make it' as a couple.

It's funny too. Because despite having a loud and fairly personal argument in a very public place, and me being only about 6 feet away, I'm guessing he's that special type of dude who would question what the hell I was looking at if he caught me glancing in their direction while this was taking place.

Man, I love Walmart. In that spirit here are some pics from the recent pages at I like the first guy's Elvis license plate.


At 6:53 PM, Blogger Shelley A. Gable said...

OMG - Is that first dude's sweatpants about to drop???

And are you saying that the board now on the back of your office door represents you as a person? I'd like to understand this better.

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Alex said...

Yeah, I don't get how the board represents you either. Is it just the one you like the most or are you saying you're like the board in that people stick you with pins?

At 8:12 PM, Blogger Kaz said...

I don't know. I think I just identify with the board. Yes, the board and I are meant to be together.


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