20 Questions - You've been defeated again!
First order of business...the pictures at the top of this post are Ticker. Aren't they nice head shots?
Second order of business...congrats to JoAnna for beating the 20 questions game on her first try!!! Wow! I should have put a picture of a trophy or something at the top of the post...but I like the Ticker pictures better.
Her winning answer was clothespin. First the game guessed spoon (spoon? maybe she was playing with a game that had been dropped several times), and then it guessed clothes hanger.
As some people know, the 20 Questions game is my nemesis. I take a few minutes to play almost every time I see it in the store. I've had a few wins now, but it took a few tries to get there - the thing is SMART! My latest winning answer was quicksand...HA! If you've ever won, post a comment with your winning answer. If this post doesn't collect a lot of comments, I'll know that hardly anyone has won (because a lack of comments certainly wouldn't indicate a lack of readers or a lack of interest in this engaging topic!).
I've written about this before. If you're interested in my initial report on this mundane topic, click here.
As we all know, the 20 Questions game raises new and troubling questions about the state of this age old pass-the-time game...or is it perverse and often baffling? Okay, this part is probably only funny to me and Kaz...or anyone else who recently heard Malcolm Gladwell on NPR.
Anyway, congrats to Jo - hurrah!