I was thinking about words today. Specifically the names for things. Like loofa. I don't even know if that's how you spell it. Where does that word come from? Was there a Mr. or Mrs. Loofa that invented or discovered it? I remember how hilarious I thought it was when I found out that the leotard is named after it's inventor. Whatever happened to the Leotard family? Are there any Leotards left in France? Is the leotard on the family crest? They all probably changed their names. I would have. Leotard sounds like something someone would call you behind your back. "Man that guy just can't seem to get it together. What a leotard."
Anyway, I was going to write more but I'm really tired so I'll have to save it for tomorrow. Alex brought up a point that Shelley's profile has many more hits than mine. I intend to explore this fully. My theory so far is that she is padding the numbers. Also, why is her name on top of the contributors list?????? It's not alphabetical. I don't get it. Mysterious forces are at work here folks.
oh, just a quick note here. Thanks for all the comments everyone. I've been trying to think of clever ways to respond so it doesn't seem so one-sided. I've thought of making a message board so we could respond directly to some of your questions. Anyway, thanks. We really appreciate the feedback.
Jeez, so much to comment on.
Oh yeah, has everyone heard that Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter died? Yes? I thought so. Well let me be the last to tell you. I was listening to some program which said that the toxin in the sting of a giant stingray isn't really that bad for humans, it's the fact that the stinging barb can be up to 18 inches long!!!!! wow.
ok, before I go here's some stuff I will be commenting on. I'm telling you now so I don't forget:
the word 'hoodie' and how it annoys me so
my recent frustrating attempt to buy jeans
plus more stories about some of my coworkers
Ugh, man I'm tired and now just rambling. To bed!