Five Things Kaz Disapproves Of
--1-- Hoodies...the word, not the garment. When you're with Kaz, it's a hooded sweatshirt. Unless you're looking to inspire a rant.
--2-- Nerdy guys with tattoos who are trying to use tattoos to look tough. Kaz doesn't have anything against tattoos...just that specific scenario.
--3-- Verizon. We stay with them for our cell phone service cuz we get a good deal through my work, but these guys are nickel and diming jerks. I have to agree with Kaz on this one.
--4-- Mayonnaise (including baconnaise). It's gross. And fry sauce is gross. I agree with Kaz on this one too. Much to our dismay, Idahosers seem to be obsessed with fry sauce. Sneak some mayonnaise (or baconnaise) into Kaz's sandwich and he'll react like Jimmy 'The Tulip' Tudeski from The Whole Nine Yards (you know, that one scene where Bruce Willis' character is ordering a sandwich).
--5-- Misusing I when you should say me. Example: "This is a picture of Batman and I." To be grammatically correct, this should say, "This is a picture of Batman and me." The rule is if you were to remove Batman from the sentence you would say, "This is a picture of me." Therefore, you should still use me even when Batman is in the sentence.
There you have it. Now you know how to be on your best behavior around Kaz. No talking about your "hoodie," don't show him your tattoo if you're a nerdy guy trying to look tough, don't sing the praises of Verizon, don't sneak mayonnaise (or baconnaise) onto his sandwiches, and choose your pronouns carefully.